Deliverable 3.2 – Supervision HMI Description

This document describes the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) for the tug fleet supervision on the ground. The HMI consists in

  1. an overview of the fleet of tugs and their current status;
  2. a timeline presenting the allocation of tugs to aircraft from the towing algorithm (D.2.1) and several interaction techniques to update the allocation plan;
  3. a set of interaction techniques for collaborative activities between the tug fleet manager (TFM) and the ground controllers (ATCO) to manage allocation requests and the impact on controllers’ activities.

The fleet supervision HMI can be used in conjunction with an Advanced Surface Management Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) tool presenting the tugs and aircraft positions on the airport map along with the planned trajectories.

This deliverable consists of the description of interaction techniques i.e. the sequence of actions and reactions between the graphical representation and the inputs from the end-user. The specifications of the interactions come in several forms, included in or accompanying this document: drawings, scenarios, and videos. The interactions have been designed and discussed with several stakeholders with ground control expertise at CDG.

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