Last week, the AEON project finally met all its Advisory Board members in what turned out as a pleasant and fruitful discussion. The well-balanced group of aviation stakeholders reunited to provide their inputs to the initial concept of green taxiing techniques, developed by the Consortium in the first year of activity.

The first Advisory Board meeting also focused on the economical model to assess the costs and benefits, the operations, the tools implied, and the algorithms selected to manage the fleet of towing vehicles and plan their path on the airport surface. The Consortium has collected all the comments coming from the AB members and plan to use them to refine the innovative concept of green taxiing techniques as well as improve the integration of dedicated tools to support the collaborative decision making in airport operations.

This meeting marks the conclusion of the first set of gatherings that started with the current year and brought the Consortium to meet several key players of the aviation industry such as the Schiphol Group, AIRBUS, Smart Airport Systems, SAFRAN, Pairs Airport, Eurocontrol, Air France, KLM, Frankfort Airport, WheelTug PLC, and many more others.

All these meetings helped the AEON project to better understand the needs of the sector and the way in which airports operate. In the second year, AEON will continue to collaborate with these players to foster the development of a solid concept of green airport operations.

We want to say thanks to all the companies who decided to collaborate with us towards the common goal of reducing the emissions released by airports operations.