The AEON project aims at developing an innovative concept of green taxiing operations based on the coordinated application of autonomous, non-autonomous, and single-engine taxiing operations. A preliminary version of the operational concept and associated tools and HMIs have already been developed and are going to be validated with the involvement of operational experts, mainly air traffic controllers and pilots, in order to understand possible effects on human performance, safety, liability risks allocation, emissions and fuel consumption, capacity, efficiency, and cost-benefits.

The overall validation process is structured in 3 steps.

The first validation phase – called initial validation – was carried out in September 2021 and was intended to collect relevant inputs from the concerned stakeholders and actors, for the definition of the initial version of the concept of operation of the project.

The second validation step – called intermediate – will be carried out in the upcoming weeks at Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport (FR) with the purpose of showing demos of the proposed concept, algorithms and HMIs to the users (ATCOs and pilots) and get their feedback, that will further feed the design of both the concept and the HMIs before the third and final validation step.

The third validation step – called final – will consist in a real-time simulation in which air traffic controllers and pilots will be able to manage the traffic using the AEON concept of operations and tools in a realistic environment.

The results of the validation activities are expected to be delivered by August 2022 and made publicly available as soon as approved.

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